
The Republic of Ecuador

ecuador outline 2

Ecuador, located astride the equator on Pacific Coast in South America, has an area of 283,560
sq. km. and a population of 17.64 million (2020). Capital: Quito. Agriculture is the mainstay of the economy but there are appreciable deposits of minerals and petroleum. It is the world’s largest exporter of bananas and balsa wood. Coffee, cacao and shrimp are also valuable exports.

What is now Ecuador formed part of the northern Inca Empire until the Spanish conquest in 1533. Quito became a seat of Spanish colonial government in 1563 and part of the Viceroyalty of New Granada in 1717. The territories of the Viceroyalty – New Granada (Colombia), Venezuela, and Quito – gained their independence between 1819 and 1822 and formed a federation known as Gran Colombia.

When Quito withdrew in 1830, the traditional name was changed in favor of the “Republic of the Equator.” Between 1904 civilian governance in 2004, the period has been marred by political instability. Protests in Quito have contributed to the mid-term ouster of Ecuador’s last three democratically elected Presidents. In 2007, a Constituent Assembly was elected to draft a new constitution; Ecuador’s twentieth since gaining independence.

Ecuador Provinces

Ecuador has twenty-four provinces, spanning from its four territory types; Costal, Amazon, Andes (Mountain) , Galapagos (Islands).

Provinces are listed with its own capital.

  1. Azuay (Cuenca)
  2. Bolívar (Guaranda)
  3. Cañar (Azogues)
  4. Carchi (Tulcán)
  5. Chimborazo ( Riobamba)
  6. Cotopaxi (Latacunga)
  7. El Oro (Machala)
  8. Esmeraldas (Ciudad Esmeraldas)
  9. Galápagos (Puerto Baquerizo Moreno)
  10. Guayas (Guayaquil)
  11. Imbabura (Ibarra)
  12. Loja (Loja)
  13. Los Rios (Babahoyo)
  14. Manabí (Portoviejo)
  15. Morona Santiago (Macas)
  16. Napo (Tena)
  17. Orellana ( Francisco de Orellana)
  18. Pastaza (Puyo)
  19. Pichincha (Quito)
  20. Santa Elena (Santa Elena)
  21. Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas (Santo Domingo)
  22. Sucumbíos (Nueva Loja)
  23. Tungurahua (Ambato)
  24. Zamora Chinchipe (Zamora)


The Republic of Ecuador is politically divided into provinces, cantons and parishes. There are a total of 24 provinces, which in turn are made up of a total of 221 cantons, and the latter are divided into parishes.

Region Sierra Region Sierra
Azuay Camilo Ponce Enríquez Cotopaxi Latacunga
Chordeleg La Maná
Cuenca Pangua
El Pan Pujilí
Girón Salcedo
Guachapala Saquisilí
Gualaceo Sigchos
Nabón Imbabura  Antonio Ante
Oña Cotacachi
Paute Ibarra
Pucará Otavalo
San Fernando Pimampiro
Santa Isabel San Miguel de Urcuquí
Sevilla de Oro Loja Calvas
Sígsig Catamayo
Bolívar Caluma Celica
Chillanes Chaguarpamba
Chimbo Espíndola
Echeandía Gonzanamá
Guaranda Loja
Las Naves Macará
San Miguel Olmedo
Cañar Azogues Paltas
Biblián Pindal
Cañar Puyango
Déleg Quilanga
El Tambo Saraguro
La Troncal Sozoranga
Suscal Zapotillo
Carchi Bolívar Pichincha Cayambe
Espejo Mejía
Huaca Pedro Moncayo
Mira Pedro Vicente Maldonado
Montúfar Puerto Quito
Tulcán Quito
Chimborazo Alausí Rumiñahui
Chambo Tungurahua  Ambato
Chunchi Baños
Colta Cevallos
Cumandá Mocha
Guamote Patate
Guano Quero
Pallatanga San Miguel de los Bancos
Penipe San Pedro de Pelileo
Riobamba Santiago de Píllaro
Region Costa Region Costa
El Oro Arenillas Los Ríos Mocache
Atahualpa Montalvo
Balsas Palenque
Chilla Puebloviejo
El Guabo Quevedo
Huaquillas Quinsaloma
Las Lajas Urdaneta
Machala Valencia
Marcabelí Ventanas
Pasaje Vinces
Piñas Manabí 24 de Mayo
Portovelo Bolívar
Santa Rosa Chone
Zaruma El Carmen
Esmeraldas  Atacames Flavio Alfaro
Eloy Alfaro Region Costa Jama
Esmeraldas Jaramijó
Muisne Jipijapa
Quinindé Junín
Rioverde Manta
San Lorenzo Montecristi
Guayas Alfredo Baquerizo Olmedo
Balao Paján
Balzar Pedernales
Colimes Pichincha
Daule Portoviejo
Durán Puerto López
El Empalme Rocafuerte
El Triunfo San Vicente
General Antonio Elizalde Santa Ana
Guayaquil Sucre
Isidro Ayora Tosagua
Lomas de Sargentillo Santa Elena La Libertad
Marcelino Maridueña Salinas
Milagro Santa Elena
Naranjal Santo Domingo La Concordia
Naranjito Santo Domingo
Pedro Carbo
Santa Lucía
Simón Bolívar
Los Ríos Babahoyo
Buena Fe
Region Amazónica Region Insular
Morona Santiago Gualaquiza Galápagos Isabela
Huamboya San Cristóbal
Limón Indanza Santa Cruz
Pablo Sexto
San Juan Bosco
Santiago de Méndez
Napo Archidona
Carlos Julio Arosemena Tola
El Chaco
Orellana Aguarico
Francisco de Orellana
La Joya de los Sachas
Pastaza Arajuno
Santa Clara
Sucumbíos Cascales
Gonzalo Pizarro
Lago Agrio
Zamora Centinela del Cóndor
El Pangui

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